Private Deployment Commercial Edition for Iceland Enterprises

Tailored for Iceland enterprises, with flexible deployment options supporting local and intranet environments, and compatible with third-party cloud service platforms.
Adopting a highly available performance architecture and distributed deployment to fully empower the digital transformation of Iceland enterprises.
The code is concise and easy to understand, facilitating secondary development, helping Iceland enterprises with development capabilities to quickly implement personalized needs.

Versions and Pricing

Select the product version that suits your business needs
Feature Module Community Edition Standard Edition Flagship Edition SAAS Multi-tenant Edition Multilingual Edition
Licensing Method Licensed under the GPL-3.0 open source agreement,
not for commercial use
Same features as the community edition, with commercial copyright Licensed based on a commercial contract Licensed based on a commercial contract Licensed based on a commercial contract
Development Language JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA
Source Code Open Source Open Source Full Source Code Full Source Code Full Source Code
Service Method Community Support Commercial Support One-on-one Commercial Support One-on-one Commercial Support One-on-one Commercial Support
Service Period - 3 months 6 months 1 year 1 year
Cluster Deployment
Core Modules
Multi-Store Management
Multi-Warehouse Management
Purchase Orders
Sales Orders
Shelf Life Management
Batch Management
Multi-Unit Management
Bundled Product Management
Employee Performance Management
Data Recovery
Automated Marketing
Smart Cashier Desk
Merchant Payment Collection
APP Client
LODOP Print Template Designer Not Open Source Not Open Source
SAAS Multi-tenant
Unlimited Merchant Opening
Application Marketplace
Activated as Needed
Feasibility Upgrades and Guarantees Free Upgrades Free Upgrades Free Upgrades
Product Training and Q&A Limited Times Unlimited Times Unlimited Times Unlimited Times
Product Price Free ¥5980 ¥15980 ¥29800 ¥59800

About GDPOS Commercial Edition

  1. What is the difference between the open-source and commercial editions of GDPOS?
    The GDPOS open-source project is based on the GPL-3.0 open-source license; the community edition is only for personal learning and does not allow any form of commercial use. Additionally, it lacks in data security, availability, and stability.
  2. Why isn't the GDPOS commercial edition open-source?
    In order to respect intellectual property rights, the commercial edition is not open-source and is only fully open-source to commercial partners. This also ensures the legal protection of interests for all commercial partners.
  3. Who owns the intellectual property of the derived versions from the commercial edition's secondary development?
    The GDPOS commercial edition source code does not have intellectual property transmissibility. The version at the time of purchase authorization belongs to GDPOS, but the derived versions after secondary development by commercial partners belong to the commercial partners themselves.
  4. How does GDPOS ensure the usability of the commercial edition?
    GDPOS has a professional team for product consultation, technical support, and operational services, providing one-on-one exclusive support for each commercial partner and comprehensively ensuring that commercial partners can quickly and fully utilize GDPOS.
  5. Which development language does GDPOS's inventory management system use?
    GDPOS uses the enterprise-level development language JAVA, with the backend service based on the excellent development framework Jfinal, offering better performance and higher development efficiency.

Meeting on the Open Source Path, Thank You for Your Company Along the Way

Let there be less reinventing the wheel, We hope our open-source project can provide a little help for the digital transformation of Iceland enterprises!

Copyright © ShengYiYunLian Technology All Rights Reserved ICP Record 2021008869-4